The vast majority, in fact nearly all, of my clients come to me with the goal of losing weight.
Whilst it's vital for our long-term health to maintain a healthy weight, there are many other health and fitness goals that we can work towards.
Working with a personal trainer has many benefits, including goal setting. Your personal trainer should listen to the reasons why you would like to train with them before carrying out a needs assessment that provide the necessary insight into a workout programme based on 3 or more SMART goals.
With all of my goals I like to develop at least 3 SMART goals - one of which is usually to lose weight. The other two might focus on any of the following:
Improving muscle strength and endurance - a lot of clients say they want to feel stronger.
Improving cardiovascular strength and endurance.
Improving flexibility, mobility and stability - in joints and muscles.
Improve diet
Improve technique and learn new ways of exercising.
Build explosive power for increased speed.
Learn new skills-related fitness techniques.
Improve performance for a sports event.
To "tone up" - this means losing fat and gaining muscle.
The point being, don't sell yourself short by focusing only on losing weight. We have a lot more to gain from a tailor-made workout programme and the benefits are wide ranging including:
Improved sleep and energy levels
Healthy joints and bones
Stronger muscles
Better functional strength for everyday tasks
Boosted immune system
Happier mood
Preventing disease
Improving quality of life
Looking good and feeling good!
The list goes on! To find out more why not come along to a free taster session with me. Click on "Contact" to get in touch.