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Writer's pictureFitness with Mel

How Can Pilates Improve Your Strength Training?

I started Pilates over 20 years ago to help manage my congenital back problem. This was before I began a serious strength training routine. I am really glad that I did because the discipline of Pilates has given me many benefits that have helped inform my strength training workouts - I’m going to share a few of those below.

Both Pilates and resistance training with weights build strength in the body in a different way - and complement each other very well.

As well as regular pilates sessions I usually include a sequence of pilates movements at the beginning of my clients’ workouts.

Pilates helps to build muscular strength and endurance, improve proprioception, posture, core strength and stability, and it enhances physical functions and biomechanics - all of which are extremely beneficial for strength training moves - as well as every day movement.

By including a Pilates practice at the start of your strength workout you can also focus on activating the mind to muscle connection and increase mobility, which we know are so beneficial for maximising gains in resistance training.

You also have the added benefit of releasing any tension in the body so that we don’t take that into the workout and we ensure that certain muscles aren’t over-firing or taking over when they shouldn’t be.

Other benefits of Pilates include injury prevention as pilates allows you to build awareness of your body and how it moves as well as improved focus and concentration over quality of movement. It improves joint mobility and stability which may enable you to lift more effectively and with heavier loads.

Personally, I’ve found that Pilates has given me the body awareness and mobility to progress more quickly when lifting weights, while lifting weights has made more challenging Pilates exercises feel more achievable.

See my You Tube channel for simple pilates workouts to do at the start of your strength training workout.

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